how boyt this Marky Mark well this is marky mark the secrety gaurd who we got to spend halloween wit


Amber said...

Hi Brigitte! I appreciate "the picture"... now I can truly visualize what you were talking about while I was getting my hair cut. LOL you are hilarious!!

Amber (Chelsea's client)

Jaron & Abby said...

Brig you two look so cute! Love the security guard.

Emily Lauren said...

Your festive Spider(web) shirt is awesome. I seriously love it! And brett's tie is so cool too.
Can't wait for Friday!!

The Brinkerhoff's said...

Hey how is life??? We totally need to have a date night and hangout now that you live in good ol' Mesa. I am serious!!!

Stacy said...

Wow you have been posting a lot where the heck have I been. I miss you guys. I went to dinner with Lindsey the other night and I am jealous how often you guys are hanging. We should get together soon.

Oh yeah and remember how I said my hair wasn't falling out before...well it is now! I am scared I am going to be bald!

Flaherty Fam said...

You guys are so funny! I love your shirt.

nolongerablog said...

surprise 18th bday party for Emily at Grandmas house.. (aunt sue)this saturday 4/11 @1 sharp (its a surprise party) Festa!! Tacos and more. bring the kids and your guys' suits!!

Anonymous said...
